What a difference a day makes.
Yesterday — perfect.
Today, well, rain for a start, cold.
There was a strange sighting en route, after passing a junction in the track I looked back, way back, and saw two horseman with a trailing packhorse heading up to Royal Hut in their Men from Snowy River coats and big horseman hats.
Actually the rain came about three quarters of the way to Stone Hut, after I’d spent some time talking to a German couple who are doing a short day, just the two hours to Royal. We discussed the implications of the weather forecast: a quick front to move through today with this rain and then four sunny days.
Suddenly I realised I could do a similar short day, what’s the hurry?
Four creek crossings to rinse the socks and I was ready to call it a day.
Stone Hut is a similar hut to Royal, eight bunks, spacious, this time with a stone end to the hut as a fire surround rather than concrete, a concrete floor, rather smashed up, but overall you have to say it’s a hut with a great ambience.
Nina, a woman from Guatemala stopped in for lunch and a two hour chat, she had camped last night in the rain, and managed to dry off somewhat before heading off out into the wet.
I spent the afternoon eating, I had my standard small lunch on arrival and managed, err, three dinners in the course of the afternoon, I’m clearly hungry.
So, not such a big day, the rain happening lightly, I hope it stops before the Rangatata fills up.
Now it’s time for bed.