It’s been a crazy itinerary for the summer. Nothing much like I had planned back in September.
This blog has spent way too much time focusing on the weather, mainly as it’s been a major determinant of my general well-being. I note that observation as, once again, the rain is coming down.
I’m in a decent hut, Christopher, once again alone, so there is no immediate issue. Except I have a few big river crossings coming up and I would prefer that the river levels are low.
And the next night from here will be in a tent, near Caroline Creek Bivvy. Hopefully I can get a decent day for the Waiau Pass crossing.
For a while it looked like it was clearing up during the day, I optimistically had my sunscreen plastered on. I do know you can get badly burnt, even on a cloudy day.
But it was nice to have made it to the hut around 5 pm.
I had a slow start, too exhausted to sleep well last night.
I was still eating breakfast when a tramper, T, turned up, having stayed Ada Pass Hut only an hour or so away. We talked about matters tramping for an hour or so. Oh, and hitchhiking, he is heading to Fox Glacier, and he caught my enthusiasm for Stewart Island/Rakiura.
So I ended up leaving Cannibal Gorge Hut after 11 am.
Lunch at Ada Pass Hut, looking up to the Three Tarns route, the climb up the scree slope clearly visible. I’ve been over there three times and for once was looking forward to some easier valley travelling.
Then it’s a short and flattish walk to the top of Ada Pass, 1008 m. If there wasn’t a sign no one would know you were standing on the Southern Alps divide. One side, the Maruia River flows to the Tasman Sea. The other, the Ada River flows to the Pacific Ocean.
Frankly after yesterday’s efforts I was not feeling frisky, but I plodded on.
The track is very clear, a few boggy patches, but some experience, and long legs got me around without mishap.
Yup, I’m feeling somewhat flat, like the terrain.
Well, the surrounding mountains are quite impressive, and the forest undergrowth is making a comeback now farm animals have been removed.
An early Saturday night and a decent sleep would help.
It’s about 24 km to Caroline Creek Bivvy and you really need to get there because it is a big day getting over Waiau Pass to the Blue Lake crowds.
Surprisingly there was no one else in the hut.
No, the actual surprise was finding the door open once again, and the big hut full of sandflies. Yeah, same as last night.
The people I’m following, in Ada Pass Hut last night, obviously believe in good ventilation. I hope they remembered to shut their house door before they left for their quick whiz around the St James.