The shortest section of my circuit perhaps, but it was after 3 pm when I clocked into the hut.
Success on the kiwi front, having a bit to do with one early on, and then spending an hour with another at my lunch stop as it fossicked in the nearby crown fern.
The track is fairly straightforward. Climb up quite steeply for a while, up to around 180 m, and then slowly head down.
It was gloomy as usual but I had some shelter when the first burst of hail came through. Fortunately, the main dump of rain held off until I was inside the Long Harry Hut.
Another cold front coming through and they seem to be on a 48-hour timetable currently.
I came to the conclusion that if this rain continues it will be unlikely for me to venture over to the flood-prone Rakeahua Valley.
Maybe this continual gloominess/grimness is getting to me.