There isn’t anything you can’t see from the top of Mt Anglem/Hananui.
She’s the tallest bump on the island, not quite 1000 m, an old volcano, but everything is laid out right below your feet: Mason Bay and Mt Rakeahua; Oban around there, with imagination or eagle-like vision you can make out houses glinting in the sunlight; Murray Beach; but not any of the huts; over on the mainland the chimney to the smelter, Bluff, Invercargill, just, Fiordland with snow; and an island out west, but not Codfish which is hidden behind another hill.
But you can’t stay up there for too long. The cloud might be high, allowing visibility, but the cool wind is fair hammering in, I’ve sensibly donned my second beanie and bunged on my gloves when leaving the bushline. The windchill is way up. I’ve even remembered a sleeveless vest under my raincoat, sure need it all, then again it is still winter down near 47º S.
Where would you rather be?