Somehow in the night my ears picked up a weather forecast on my little radio.
Severe Weather Warning for today and tomorrow. Heavy rain on the way.
Not good for river crossings.
And not much fun if I need to camp out.
Mole Hut would be a decent place to burrow in for a night or two. Unlikely to be disturbed.
When I first woke, heavy raindrops were hitting the corrugated steel roof. Best just to slip back to sleep.
When I woke second time around some time later the noise of the rain had stopped. The precipitation hadn’t, however. Just your standard super-fine, super-wetting drizzle.
And that continued much of the day.
My major activity, other than drinking cups of coffee, was re-sorting my food. I went through my breakfasts first.
Okay, looks like I’ll try to turn my rations into another 12 days from here. I thought I’d started with 15 days’ supply, that now meant I was eking it out for 19.
That would help get rid of some of my, err, “winter conditioning”.
The day drizzled on, with me generally sitting in my sleeping bag variously reading a book Heading West by Mark Twain on my iPod, listening to a few of my experimental voice recordings from my Australian bicycle travels, and dozing off.
Exactly what was needed for my body.
I might need a repeat of the lack of activity tomorrow if the poor weather continues. I’m sure I can cope with that.
Thunder in the distance. Heavy rain on the roof.
My major concern is my level of fuel, where for some reason I neglected to fill my 1.4 litre fuel bottle right to the top. Or bring my gas burner to use up the dregs of the abandoned gas canisters left in huts. I’ve already added one almost full canister to my luggage, but have no way to use it.
I may well have to resort to lighting a few fires.
← Day 6 | Mole Hut, night 1 Day 8 | Mole Hut, night 3 →