After cracking out 31 km yesterday and despite my best sleep in memory, the day didn’t progress well. Maybe it was the water, that with the cattle around might not be exactly pure.
Or the heat and general lack of direct sunlight.
I kept my raincoat on until 4 pm yesterday.
Maybe it was a fair old amount of energy expended since I left Lake Alexander, and somehow my pack doesn’t seem lighter.
So half the distance today. I started later, stopped earlier, and had a long, shady lunch break.
Now clouds threatened rain so I’d better whack that tent up. Not so far from Muzzle Homestead but the next camping possibility needs another 250 m climb, and that creek doesn’t have a big catchment.
There is a reasonable site here, not so good as last night but after my night in the rockfall zone I feel sometimes it’s best to grab one. No need for perfection.
Nothing much to report.
The views were smaller but still impressive today.
Mainly my face was staring at the ground immediately ahead of me.
Had a significant change of plan today. Looking at the map there is a considerable gap in these farm tracks between Palmers Hut, as far as the track goes from this end, and the tracks from the other There are at least four river crossings coming up, and the immediate weather forecast is looking bleak.
I might have to just go out to civilisation the way I came in last year, ie, finish at Kaikoura.
Still have to get across the Clarence River tomorrow. Currently if you get the right spot it’s less than knee deep. But it is looking very dark up in the headwaters at the moment.
Fingers crossed.
Get this tent up.
← Day 13 | Almost to Ravine Hut Day 15 | Forbes Hut →