For some reason I was lead to believe that this was going to be another very tough day at the office but as it transpired it’s been not so bad.
The rock hopping down Hugh Gorge proved easier than anticipated, maybe those trips for the Forest Service wandering up those steep West Coast rivers so many years ago have proved useful after all. (This time there was no need to carry the shovel, pick and axe, along with the two weeks food supply for the team over the frosty, smooth, boulders.)
Highlights: watching Grey headed honeyeaters sipping the flower nectar right next door to my tent; watching more budgies feed their young one just by where I had lunch at the junction.
The sun has just gone down over the nearby ridge, maybe the flies will sense it’s time to take a break.
Went back to the Fringed Lily pool first thing, just for the third look, complete serenity, then it was up climbing Rocky Saddle, not so much there, feet feeling OK, met a couple of 30-year-old gals up there, coming the other way, if I’d had the timing right I could have shared a campsite, they were cheery enough despite the loads.
Walked, or more properly, boulder hopped and clambered up to the Hugh Gap, not much water but extraordinary cliffs either side, a grey and light grey robin jumped around for me in the surprisingly cool and damp atmosphere.
The flow of water down the gorge must be a sight in full flow, debris was way up the banks and trees.
Some beautiful pools in the lower segment but overall I just popped out, there’s the water tank, and I thought there was an hour to go.
Instead of the gals I’ve the campsite to myself, it’s a bit barren, not like Fringed Lily last night, but comprising one great tent site.
As millions of tiny ants have started to swarm I’m retiring to the tent.
It’s about 6 pm.
← Day 9 | Fringed Lily Creek: some company tonight Day 11 | Rocky Gully campsite: a relaxing arvo after a longish walk →