Woke early. Listened to the 6 am news then went back to sleep.
My body is fairly exhausted from all this sudden exercise.
I stopped early yesterday, around 3 30 pm, and enjoyed the act of camping without being in a rush. I felt somewhat refreshed by the early finish.
I packed up as I prepared and made my breakfast, which on this occasion was without muesli. Coffee would suffice.
That powered me up the series of river terraces that was the morning heart starter.
12 pm at the top of Binser Saddle, so I was pleased not to have attempted that climb the day before. On the other hand, as my body ages, I find it easier to climb hills than the downhill aspect.
Eventually, I staggered out onto the Mount White Station roadway. I was surprised at the number of chunky four-wheel-drives creating clouds of dust as they sped by. I didn’t try hitchhiking, but without staring at the drivers they seemed to be sunglass-wearing tradies who had more important things to do than talk to strangers. Of course, it was not far around to my car, but the sun was really beaming down.
My seventh day walking, and while my mind had ambitions, my body was not in agreement.
I washed my feet, my body in the very cool clear and shallow water of Andrew Stream. That freshened me up.
Then around to the Waimakariri Bridge to start another trudge up the valley.
Replenishment of supplies organised, including sufficient breakfast this time, it was almost 6 pm when I departed, having spent an hour talking to an inquisitive coaster waiting for some prospective Three Pass trampers. He was going to escort them to the start near Lake Kaniere after dumping their car. He was talking Styx River and I suggested that the Arahura River as being semi-passable, and good reasons why. I had experience of that area last year of course. At least I tried.
So, all boring stuff, but I found a shady campsite next to a flowing stream, and settled in for a well-deserved rest.
Pretty typical tramping day really.
A big up-and-down to start, and plenty of plodding.
← Day 6 | Pete Stream: I like this tent Day 8 | Crow Hut: all day for a three-hour walk →