Maitland Hut | Ruataniwha Conservation Park

A great little four bunk hut in fairly original condition is set on a knoll in a small clearing.

You need permission from Lake Ohau Station to cross some farmland at the beginning.

The walk in from the road has a bit of everything: starting on a farm track, then sidles around scree slopes, then down the scree steeply into the mountain beech forest. Once at the river it flattens out, becomes much easier walking, and has some lovely stretches along river terraces, and some climbing around slips. Just before the hut, you need to cross Maitland Stream.

+++++horizontal rule+++++

category . . . standard hut

hut fee . . . 1 hut ticket or backcountry hut pass, free to camp

elevation . . . 965 m

bunks . . . 4 mattresses in bunks

built . . . 1968

heating . . . open fire

water . . . rivulet 30 m down the hill

toilet . . . longdrop

← Huxley Forks Main Hut | Ruataniwha Conservation Park Manuka Hut | Hakatere Conservation Park →