Rapid Creek Hut, Hokitika River
Comfortable ex-New Zealand Forest Service S81 four bunker on a grassy flat with an impressive mountainous backdrop.
Access requires the use of a 60 m cableway across the substantial Hokitika River. That’s in a very small steel cage, on rollers, hanging from a single length of sagging steel cable. Easy enough with a group, if slow, one at a time with your pack squeezed in, but on your own you have to pull yourself up the increasingly steep cable.
category . . . standard hut
hut fee . . . 1 standard hut ticket or backcountry hut pass, free to camp
booking . . . not required
elevation . . . 115 m
bunks . . . 4
built . . . 1961
heating . . . wood burner
water . . . creek at the back of the hut, 20 m, or Hokitika River, 50 m walk
toilet . . . longdrop
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