Middle Head Hut | Moeraki Valley Track
If you make it up to Horseshoe Flat you may as well continue up to Middle Head Hut. Built just prior to the nearby Horseshoe Flat Hut, and receives even fewer visitors.
A continuation to the upper Moeraki River basin is worth the effort. There is a reason it’s usually a dead end: the cliffs/mountains at the head of the valley are a major barrier to continuation, although some hardy types make an immense effort to push/bash their way from/to Tunnel Creek Hut in the Paringa River Valley.
category . . . basic hut, (not sure why, but that’s DOC’s designation)
hut fee . . . free
elevation . . . 380 m
bunks . . . 6 mattresses in bunks
built . . . 1970
heating . . . firebox, collect own firewood
water . . . outside tap above sink from 900-litre rainwater tank
toilet . . . longdrop
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