
Yeah, there was rain.

Then some more, some hail, occasionally for a fleeting moment there was even sunlight but then more showers.

I had things to do, like a whole lot of very little, and the morning went by.

Cups of coffee, and some book reading from the hut library.

After lunch there was some action.

I went up the quad bike track to the five-wire bridge DOC put in last winter. The Awarua River had been encroaching on the swing bridge footings.

Then I started heading up round the coast, to the north this time. This time I had a bag for mussels but my mission didn’t work out in that aspect. The coast is too mobile, all boulders of various sizes, so it was spag for dinner.

The wind was up, not much in the way of showers as the afternoon progressed, I made it well past Landing Cove but getting to Awarua Point, the major promontory, was a step too far.

It looks easy enough to travel around the coast as long as you don’t mind rock hopping on rounded, and at times slippery, boulders for extensive periods.

Weather forecast, not so great, snow to 200 m, but I’m intent on staying another night before moving on.

← Day 6 | Big Bay Hut, Pyke Big Bay Route, Pyke Forest Conservation Area Day 8 | Big Bay Hut, Pyke Big Bay Route, Pyke Forest Conservation Area →