Doughboy Bay Cave | Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island
For those with a sense of history there’s always this cave to sleep in. Sealers camped here at some stage around 1810 when the local seal population was obliterated. Eventually, after some months, a sailing ship came back and picked them up. Later, in the 1970s the cave was occupied by a wife of a wealthy Japanese industrialist for a few months before her deportation.
So, get back to a real primitive lifestyle. It’s only a few 100 metres from the hut. To find it walk south in the sand dune area. There’s an old fencepost clearly visible out in the open marking a track heads off about 30 m through the vegetation to the base of the hill.
There are no facilities other than some bush furniture that looks like what hunters having a day off have dragged up from the beach and knocked up.
← Diprose Bay campsite | Tin Range, Stewart Island Doughboy Hut | Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island →