Jollie Brook Hut | Lake Sumner Forest Park
In the middle of the Jollie Brook loop track is a fine hut in a decent location. It even has a wet weather escape route that doesn’t involve 50 or so river crossings.
Recently renovated by the Backcountry Hut Trust.
The two bedrooms at either end of the hut with a living space in the middle work well. Particularly for snorers. Similar design to Three Mile Stream Hut on the other side of Lake Sumner.
Good sheltered camping sites around the hut.
category . . . standard hut
hut fee . . . 1 hut ticket or backcountry hut pass, free to camp
elevation . . . 650 m
bunks . . . 7 mattresses
built . . . ~1972
heating . . . firebox
water . . . tap on 500 litre rainwater tank
toilet . . . longdrop
← Hurunui Hut No 3 | Lake Sumner Forest Park Lake Christabel Hut | Victoria Forest Park →