Castle Rock Hut | Inland Track, Abel Tasman National Park
Castle Rock Hut was a standard issue NZFS six bunker before being fully refurbished in recent years: ie, new sleeping platforms to give more internal room rather than individual sets of bunks; decent windows, but not with the big view, you have to make your way over to the actual Castle Rocks for the huge view down the Marahau Valley and across to Nelson with the Richmond Ranges heaped up behind; an outside sink and watertank; the tiny style firebox but handy enough for your average twig fire.
All in all not bad value at $5 each a night. Good free camping adjacent.
category . . . standard hut
hut fee . . . . 1 hut ticket or backcountry hut pass, free to camp
elevation . . . 720 m
bunks . . . 8
built . . . 1970s, refurbished 2010s
heating . . . small woodburner
water . . . tap above exterior sink on deck, from rainwater tank
toilet . . . longdrop
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