Kohaihai Shelter campsite | Heaphy Track, Kahurangi National Park
Kohaihai Shelter campsite at the Karamea road end is not actually classified as a Great Walks campsite and therefore has a different pricing structure.
There’s a wide range of campsites under large sheltering macrocarpas or out on the grass but you will be competing for the good ones with those in camper vans and other mechanised transportation.
category . . . standard DOC campsite
camping fee . . . $10 per adult, $5 child 5-17, free if under 5.
booking . . . Required all year, either online, or at a DOC office
campsites . . . 50 sites
facilities . . . big doorless shelter with bench seats, stainless steel benchtop, sink
water . . . tap above sink
toilet . . . flush toilets
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