Spoon River campsite | Barn Bay to Big Bay coastal route

Spoon Hut has now been moved to this location, so camping may not be needed.

Otherwise, someone has removed a few flax bushes on the south side of the river to create a flat and somewhat sheltered place for two tents. But it is low-lying and may be damp in the rain.

Still, it’s not easy to find alternatives due to the thick flax and kiekie vegetation, usually right down to the bouldery coastline. Nearby Callery Creek is probably a better place to camp.

+++++horizontal rule+++++

category . . . random campsite

camping fee . . . none

campsites . . . around 2 sites

facilities . . . none

water . . . 20 m to Spoon River

toilet . . . none. Stay 50 m from Spoon River

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